Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Journey of the Corn Mother Moon

The Journey of the Corn Mother Moon
Join us for another amazing and transformational Shamanic Journey. Do you hear the call? Say yes to the adventure : )

Journeying( like meditation) is a tool for spiritual, mental and physical growth. It is also a tool that can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working through issues. Deepening our experiences and removing blocks that are no longer needed, as well as strengthening our connection to the spiritual and physical world! A journey sometimes is referred to as the flight of the soul. Our brain waves are in a theta state during a journey( like right before we fall asleep). The results of the journey are deep powerful transformational and life altering!

To the First Nations people corn is one of the three sisters, corn, beans & squash that sustain life. As a food that could be utilized in so many ways it shows its versatility. In this Corn Mother Moon Shamanic Journey we will invoke the power of versatility and resilience to any energy that may come our way. In the coming times we must be strong and stand tall very much like the corn, yet be graceful like the Butterfly, the Clan totem of this moon, and gentle as the Deer. In the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ the character played by Kevin Costner is called to go to a cornfield to meet his own father, an endeavor that would teach him the true meaning of faith. “If you build it they will come” was the mantra so strongly demonstrated in this provocative movie. In these trying times we will need that kind of faith and resilience and still be able to be graceful and versatile. Do you hear the clarion call?

Our Facilitator, Leonard Howell is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute and drum. Through his unique storytelling teaching style he has touched the hearts of many throughout the world.
Join us along with Leonard & Angelaya Howell as they bring gifts of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. This is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light.

Saturday, May 14, 2011, 7:00pm – 10:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30 pm, please arrive early the the journey begins at 7pm!

Rainflower Blessings
Fee: $50 per person ( $55 at the door if there are spaces left)
PLEASE RSVP , pre registration is required as space is limited!

Please Contact Nazli Rainflower, 250-385-3743 or

fee options

Hi Everyone,

I have exciting news : )

Leonard and I have decided to change the fees and offer early bird pricing, bundles for multiple events/sessions and /punch cards!

To those of you who have paid in advance, I will return the extra! As we want to say thank you and give back, also to say it is not about the money, it is about building community : )

So from now until may 10th, you can sign up and pre pay for the journey, the first 10 ppl will pay $35 only( that is a $20 saving compare to the door price), after 10 ppl or the 11th-13th it is $45 and $55 at the door if there is a space!

OR you can bundle up a reading or healing session with a journey! For 1/2 hr session+journey it is $85 and for 1 hr+journey it is $135!

OR punch cards, you can receive one punch per event/session and after 12 you will receive a complimentary one!

If you have any questions please contact me : )

