Friday, June 17, 2011

Shamanic Journey of Grace

" Accept the gift of Grace,Surrender to the flow,Don't give up- Give over" David Carson and Jamie Sams

What is Grace? "Grace is the flight of two geese, wings outstretched with just enough space for the winds of heaven to blow in between them. Grace is gazing into the eyes of a child and then grace is walking down a path to the tree of life with a grandmother. Grace is a gift from Great Spirit and is the ultimate comfort to the soul of the seeker.”

Our planet and all of her inhabitants, is currently undergoing a major shift. This is impacting our environment, social structures and individual and collective consciousness. One may think of Grace as a powerful energy that has the ability to change our lives for the better. The most important part of spirituality is that it gives you awareness of who you are! Who you are is not what you have been doing or who you are related to, it is the Being whose task it is to understand the infinite levels of awareness, of consciousness itself! This in turn allows one to navigate their life in a profound and truly inspired way.

In our July 2011 Shamanic Journey we will explore grace and intend for its’ energy to deeply touch our souls. As we consciously move into the heartbeat of the drum we will delve into a world where grace is a given gift and where peace is everlasting.

Our Facilitator, Leonard Howell
is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute and drum. Through his unique storytelling teaching style he has touched the hearts of many throughout the world.
Join us along with Leonard & Angelaya Howell as they bring gifts of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. This is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light!

Saturday July 16th,2011 7-10pm

Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Vic

Sponsoring Cost/investment: $40 students and seniors, $50 regular

Ask about bundle prices if you wish to book an appointment for reading/healing+ a journey!

Please Pre Pay and Pre Register, to RSVP please contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or

Feel free to pass this on to others who may like to join us : )

Many BlesSings

Nazli Rainflower

journey and sessions