Monday, January 30, 2012

Journey of the White Eagle-Journey of Inner Power

Hello Everyone, I am excited to share with you that Leonard and Angelaya Howell will be back in Victoria this March to facilitate a journey, a workshop and a massage matinee( I will post details regarding the workshop and message matinee on this page soon)! I am so looking forward to these gatherings and hope you will join us on the adventure if you hear the call : ) Leonard and Angelaya will be available for private sessions( readings and healings) as well by appointment only! Please contact me if you wish to book an appointment. Many BlesSings Nazli Rainflower Journey of the White Eagle – Journey of Inner Power 2012 has been prophesized as the Year of Inner Power. It is the year for us to discover the power to change our lives and in turn change the world for the better! The White Eagle brings the Power of the East Direction on the Medicine Wheel, that wonderful path of Illumination, Clarity and Wisdom! Eagle represents a state of grace that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that result from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle Medicine is the Power of the Great Spirit. It is the spirit of tenacity. It is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see the things one sees. It is the patience to wait for the appropriate moment. It is to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle reminds us of our connection with the Great Spirit. It tells us that the universe is giving us the opportunity to fly above life's worldly levels, or above the shadow of past realities. Eagle teaches us to look above in order to touch Grandfather Sun, Wi Tankasila with our hearts, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. Eagle asks us to grant ourselves permission to be free in order to reach the joy that our heart desires. Come join us for this Journey work with the White Eagle to discover our true power and our inner essence, to set the intentions and energies for the Spring Equinox of 2012. Do you hear the clarion call? Saturday March 17th 2012, 7-10 pm Investment/Sponsorship: $50 regular, $40 Students and Seniors, Space is limited! To RSVP conatct Nazli 250-385-3743 or Please pre pay and pre register by Saturday March 10th, you can do so via pay pal, by cheque or cash, thank you! Please arrive 10 minutes before the start and you are welcome to bring a cushion or blanket if you wish : ) For those of you who have not journeyed with us yet and wish to learn more about Leonard and Angelaya, please check out their website :) And please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about a journey! Namaste