Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Soul Retrieval Workshops Modules 3 and 4

Soul Retrieval Workshops, Module 3 Soul Mates and Twin Flams and Module 4 Soul and Dreamtime
Join us for these amazing Soul Retrieval Workshops, Modules 3 and 4 facilitated by Leonard Howell. If you have missed the first 2 modules and wish to take them as well, please contact me. Looking forward to growing and learning in the circle with you. BlesSings Nazli P.S. Please note that you do not have to take all these courses( unless you plan on facilitating Soul Retrieval sessions) if you are curious and hear a call to attend just one, please know you are welcome to. Each Module is different and can be taken on its own! Soul Retrieval Module 3 Soul mates, Twin Flames The term "soul mate" has different meanings, other than the usual though of romantic relationship. One must first understand that reality is a computer generated consciousness hologram in which all souls evolve from the same collective unconscious and therefore we are all soul mates in one sense of the word or another. Time is an illusion - but as we consciously experiment physical time as linear, summates seems to connect from past, present, and future experiences our souls are having. Soul mates can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere. Twin Flames on the other hand complete each other in a particular lifetime. We will explore deeply into the realms of this fascinating topic and make great discoveries about yourself and your life. Come join us for Soul Retrieval Module 3 at; Rainflower Blessings Sunday September 23, 2012 11am-1pm Investment: $40 Soul Retrieval Module 4 Soul and Dreamtime Indigenous Australians believe that we dream our way into this world, and dream our way out of it. “We talk to the spirit-child before a baby is born,” naturopath and traditional healer Burnham explains. If the father-to-be is a dreamer, he is frequently the one who first meets the spirit-child in dreams. These dream encounters often unfold at places of water that exist in the natural world – a billabong, the shallows of a river, a waterfall – where the spirit-child plays with its own kind and is not confined to a single form. It can appear as an eagle or a turtle, as a fish or a crocodile. The dreamer may have to negotiate with the spirit-child, giving it reasons for coming into a human body. Finally, the dreamer plays soul-guide, escorting the incoming spirit to the mother’s womb. In this module we will explore discover the relevance of dreamtime and the soul. This will be a fascinating course for parents’ as you will learn about soul pathways and the dreamtime, the rainbow bridge and many other dream concepts. @ Rainflower Blessings Sunday September 23, 2012 3-5pm Investment: $40 Space is limited, please pre register and pre pay to reserve your spot. Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or
Soul Retrieval Workshops