Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Journey of the Raven
Hello CommUnity : ) As many of you know, the Raven is one of my main totem animlas and very sacred abd dear to my heart. Since we are now in the Raven time of year on the wheel( libra) I would like to invite you all to the drum journey of the Raven to honour the Ravens! Lets call in this sacred bird and honour the magic and reignite the magic withing our souls. I will include a couple of my favourite links on Raven Medicine on the facebook event page in case you would like to read more! See you in sacred circle! Nazli Friday October 19th, 7-9 pm @ Rainflower Blessings $20/person Please pre register space is limited to 10 ppl.250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a cushion, blanket, yoga mat if you have one and a water bottle.

Journey of White Reindeer~Going the Distance

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance
Reindeer teaches us endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He is related to the deer family and in legend it was a white deer that led King Arthur to the magical Sir Pelinore’s Well. Reindeer will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. As we move forward into and past the end of the Mayan calendar Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more authoritative role in our own life? Reindeer also teaches us to take a gentle yet powerful stance in any given situation. Reindeer will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. White Reindeer will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life. Sat Dec 1st 2012, 7-10 pm 111 Superior Street ( Church of Truth) Please Register by contacting me @250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Space is limited to 35 participants.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Readings and Healings by Leonard Howell and Angelaya Rose Howell To book a private session please contact Nazli @ nazlirainflower@yahoo.com
private sessions