Thursday, May 2, 2013

Registration is made by pre payment! Thank you :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

12/12/12, Connecting to the Healer within in preparation for the Solstice Galactic Alignment!
Join Donald Allen & Nazli Khosravi for an all day adventure on 12/12/12 . A Journey of Transformation & Healing. We will connect with the healer within us as we explore and immerse in the energies of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius, The Medicine Man, the "13th Zodiac Sign"). Our day will include an intention circle, a short meditation, a talk about the medicine man whose foot stands in the centre of our galaxy & how aligning with those energies can help us on our own journey and prepare us for the shifts we are alr eady a part of and will continue to be, as we approach Dec 21st, the Galactic Alignment. When: Dec 12th ( 12/ 12/ 12) Where: Rainflower Blessings Cost : $50 per person We will start at 10 am at Rainflower Blessings, opening space together, a discussion, 12 12 12 ( at 12:12:12 pm) circle, a serpent walk (exploration of the medicine man) 1- 5pm, Dinner Break 5-7 pm ( you are welcome to bring your own dinner or leave and come back for the journey, the fairfield plaza is very close by). A deepening Journey to anchor in the energies of the day and integrate them 7-9 pm. Please RSVP space is limited. Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or Please bring a water bottle and snacks for yourself for the walk, we will walk rain or shine please dress appropriately( rain gear, warm clothes, good walking shoes...). Please feel free to bring a blanket and cushion for yourself for the journey in the evening.
Journey into Awakening
Join David Seath and Nazli Khosravi for a Journey into Awakening! A blissful and a magical Journey that will help prepare us for all the shifts we are going through as we approach this most anticipated time in history, the birth of the Golden Age. Begin the journey with Ananda Mandala, a poweful chakra meditation followed by Deeksha, a transfer of Divine grace from David. Integrate, anchor, and explore the transformation with a shamanic style Drum Journey facilitated by Nazli. David Seath is a Oneness T rainer from Nanaimo who is committed to helping others awaken to their true nature. Through ancient meditations and the power of deeksha, a blessing of Divine Grace, he brings the best of the East to help awaken the West. Ananda Mandala means bliss circle, and is a chakra meditation that is done in a group and activates the kundalini energy in the body. This is a very powerful meditation. Deeksha : This is a hands on blessing that uses the power and connection to the Divine to transmit a large amount of Grace through the blessing giver to the receiver. This energy is like punching a whole in the mind, again activating the kundalini energy and opening new pathways, with the goal of being fully and permanently awakened and lliberated from the conflicted mind. Nazli Rainflower is a mother of 2 and owner of Rainflower Blessings( Victoria BC). Rainflower Blessings is a sacred space to empower people by opening new doors to consciousness, introducing alternative transformational tools, and offering products & services that awaken the Spirit within. Nazli is passionate about empowering others, building authentic community and holding sacred space for magic to unfold : ) She will facilitate a Shamanic style Drum Journey, following the Ananda Mandala and Deeksha, to integrate the bliss, the activated Kundalini and awakening state. The journey will help us sink into that blissful yet awakened space. Drum Journeys have truly been magical for me. Everytime I have journeyd, a veil has been lifted off and through the journeys I have received healing, alignments, past life regression, a deep sense of connection to the world around me and the spirit world, and an ability to walk through life with a "journeying or shamanic eye" . Lets come together in sacred circle as we Journey into Awakening. When: Wed Dec 19th 2012 7-9:30 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings, Victoria BC Investment: $40 per person Please pre pay and pre register as space is limited! Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or Please bring a cushion, blanket, yoga mat if you have one and a water bottle and wear comfy clothes : )

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Star Alignment and Crystal Activation
“I channel in order to purify, Inspiring flow. I seal the process of universal water With the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of birth. I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.” ~ From the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar More than 2000 years ago the Magi Kings followed a bright Star in the sky leading them to Bethlehem where the Golden Child was to be born. Just like the Magi each one of us has a Guiding Star to illuminate from above, the chosen path that we are on at this time! This Star activation will bring you a sacred mantra that connects you to the light of that Star through your higher Self. You could call this your soul star and every time you gaze to the night sky you would be drawn to this particular star in the sky. Join us Monday December 3, 2012 for a special event with Leonard Howell Wisdom Keeper and Shamanic Teacher. He will create a circle of healing and alignment using the Star Wisdom keeper Crystal gifted to him this year! Crystals are Mother Earth's gifts to us, formed within Her body, they are living energy, and in a way they are the keys to the Universe. Each particular type of crystal or mineral can be seen as a key, and we can use these keys to access specific energies, whether that be for healing, meditation, protection, and understanding. This activation and star alignment will allow energies to flow easier and assist in healing old wounds. During this powerful session you will experience a wonderful sense of being grounded and in the now where your deepest wishes can be realized. Limted to 20 participants. The Facilitator Leonard is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute. Fee $20 per person 7- 9 p.m Rainflower Blessings Pre registration and pre payment required if you wish to have a saved spot! You are welcome to connect with me( Nazli, 250-385-3743 or if you wish to pay by cash or cheque or please do so via pay pal. Thank you : )

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance
Reindeer teaches us endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He is related to the deer family and in legend it was a white deer that led King Arthur to the magical Sir Pelinore’s Well. Reindeer will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. As we move forward into and past the end of the Mayan calendar Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more authoritative role in our own life? Reindeer also teaches us to take a gentle yet powerful stance in any given situation. Reindeer will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. White Reindeer will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life. Sat Dec 1st 2012, 7-10 pm 111 Superior Street ( Church of Truth) Please Register by contacting me @250-385-3743 or Space is limited to 35 participants.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Journey of the Raven
Hello CommUnity : ) As many of you know, the Raven is one of my main totem animlas and very sacred abd dear to my heart. Since we are now in the Raven time of year on the wheel( libra) I would like to invite you all to the drum journey of the Raven to honour the Ravens! Lets call in this sacred bird and honour the magic and reignite the magic withing our souls. I will include a couple of my favourite links on Raven Medicine on the facebook event page in case you would like to read more! See you in sacred circle! Nazli Friday October 19th, 7-9 pm @ Rainflower Blessings $20/person Please pre register space is limited to 10 ppl.250-385-3743 or Please bring a cushion, blanket, yoga mat if you have one and a water bottle.

Journey of White Reindeer~Going the Distance

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance
Reindeer teaches us endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He is related to the deer family and in legend it was a white deer that led King Arthur to the magical Sir Pelinore’s Well. Reindeer will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. As we move forward into and past the end of the Mayan calendar Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more authoritative role in our own life? Reindeer also teaches us to take a gentle yet powerful stance in any given situation. Reindeer will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. White Reindeer will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life. Sat Dec 1st 2012, 7-10 pm 111 Superior Street ( Church of Truth) Please Register by contacting me @250-385-3743 or Space is limited to 35 participants.