Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intuitive Tarot Readings by Nazli Rainflower

Nazli rainflower is an intuitive reader who has been doing readings for over 15 years professionally!

This gift was in her family and was passed down to her through her Grandmother, Mother and Aunt!

On her walk of life and through the guidance and messages that channel through her, she has empowered and touched the hearts of many! Bringing clarity and inspiration.

Nazli Rainflower is also the owner/operator or Rainflower Blessings in beautiful Victoria BC.A sacred space to empower people by opening new doors to consciousness, introducing alternative transformational tools, and offering products & services that awaken the Spirit within.

To make an appointment please contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com

Many BlesSings and NAMASTE


"I’ve had my cards read by dozens of people, and have rarely been satisfied. When I discovered Nazli, I knew she was special. I go directly to her with any questions. She clearly is gifted, no doubt about it. She’s direct to the point, insightful and has no problem telling me as she sees it. I shy away from readers that only tell me what I want to hear. Nazli does not do this. She is a true healer. Her advice has shifted my life in many ways. Her accuracy is quite astounding!I completely trust her, which is a really big thing for me."
Nancy Rose,Toronto, Ontario

"Nazli is an exceptionally gifted individual. It was rare indeed to find someone who, without any former knowledge of who I am, was capable of sharing insights into my life that even I was unaware of. I found her reading to be both enlightening and empowering, for real. I wholeheartedly recommend a reading by Nazli! She is the real deal." David, Victoria BC

"Nazli you are the real deal your reading blew my mind.Thank you for giving me clarity when I needed it the most." Cheryl M, Calgary Alberta


  1. I'm quite certain I will learn many new stuff right here! Best of luck for the next!ENERGY HEALING
