Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shamanic Journey of White Buffalo - The Path of Abundance & Prosperity

In the teachings of the people the Buffalo is the Spirit of the North, of purification, cleansing and renewal. She represents the give-away. For one to be truly wealthy it is imperative to be able to give-away. Hording is not healthy and only leads to sickness on all levels. The buffalo is a hologram of the greater whole. When we journey with the energy of the buffalo - it's behemoth features are a physical manifestation of the store-holds available in the energetic realms. In the legend of the White Buffalo she came to teach all to pray and be grateful for all we have! This is true meaning of abundance and a wonderful blessing to all. She also taught us to revere all women as life givers. In this time we are seeing the resurgence of the divine feminine, a balancing on our planet of the largest magnitude. Our guide and mentor Chief White Eagle reminds us to no longer measure success through time, but rather discover the grace in every moment every breath and heartbeat. The beautiful sound of the flute, chanting, language of light and the drums will bring us all into alignment with this divine source. Join us for a Journey of a lifetime to embrace the magnificent energy of this incredible being. In turn she will help us to assist the Mother Earth in coming of the new era on Earth. Saturday December 17th, 2011 7 pm – 10 pm Rainflower Blessings 238 Beechwood Ave. Victoria, BC Investment : $50 regular, $40 students and seniors Please RSVP( pre pay and pre register), thank you! Contact : Nazli 250-385-3743 Please note that this December journey marks the one year anniversary of all of us journeying together with Leonard and Angelaya, at Rainflower Blessings : ) Next Journey with Leonard and Angelaya Howell will be in March 2012! Lets us close 2011 together with this journey : ) See you in sacred circle!

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