Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Teachings of The White Raven

Let us celebrate Earth day together, in an exploration of landscape effigies. Join us for another wonderful adventure on Sunday April 22nd. One of the most important and facsinating stories on the coast is the story of how the Raven stole the light! Long ago Raven( who was originally a white bird) stole the light ( that was trapped in a box) and as he flew up the chimney he turned black! Our stars, moon and the sun come from the light he/she spilled. To this day Ravens are black except for very few! It is extremely rare to see a white Raven. Recently several White Ravens have been seen around coastal British Columbia! And they have appeared to share a message! Teachings of The White Raven is a fascinating story/adventure of some of the important messages that were communicated to Donald Allen, our facilitator on this journey! Donald's journey of communicating with animals, plants and the natural world around him began as a teenager, begining with a Deer communicating with him, saying "follow me and see one of your main totems" and as he followed he met his first totem animal and that was the begining of a magical series of events unfolding. As he followed his intuition and listened to the world around him, the veils started thinning and he became more and more intuned! From all this emerged a magical discovery. In this course Donald will share his story, his discovery and how we can all tune into and communicate with the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and our world. Opening new doors to consciousness. Join us on this adventure of a lifetime and discover your own magical story. Sunday April 22nd, 2012 11am-2pm At Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave Cost: $30 per person Please RSVP, pre pay and pre register, space is limited!

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