Thursday, April 26, 2012

Soul Retrieval II ~ The Past Life Connection
In the Ancient teachings of the people, the soul is eternal and needs more than one lifetime to work through various lessons or initiations. We all have what is called “soul theme lessons” e.g. vows of poverty or suffering. One will keep reincarnating into bodily form with this pending lesson needing to be worked out. When one retrieves these vows, the vows or inappropriate contracts can be consciously erased. This way one only has to erase it once even though it may have been experienced in many incarnations or lives. It is a fascinating field of study that we will explore in a wonderful classroom setting. Our Facilitator Leonard Howell has been successfully helping thousands of people through this healing modality for more that 20 years. Join us on Sunday June 10, 2012 for an exciting class of quests and discovery at Rainflower Blessings in Victoria, BC When : Sunday June 10th 2012 3-5 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings Cost : $40 per person Please Pre Pay and Pre Register, space is limited. You can do so by contacting me and we accept, cash, cheque or payments via pay pal. Please bring blanket, cushion and a note book if you wish to take notes : )
Shamanic June
If you missed module I but would like to take this class, we are offering another class please read on! Shamanic Soul Retrieval Module #1 In shamanism it is believed that part of the human soul is free to leave the body. The soul is the axis mundi, the center of the shamanic healing arts. Shamans change their state of consciousness, through drumming or rattling, to allow their free soul to travel and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost power. Because a portion of the soul is free to leave the body it will do so when dreaming, or it will leave the body to protect itself from potentially damaging situations be they emotional or physical. In situations of trauma the soul piece may not return to the body on its own, and a shaman must intervene and return the soul essence. There are many reasons for soul loss. If a person was in an abusive situation part of one’s may leave to protect itself from the abuse. Sometimes as a child, fighting parents may prompt the soul part to hide because the child is scared. If a traumatic accident were about to happen such as impact, the soul would leave so that it wouldn’t be affected by the force of the accident. If a loved one passes on, the soul part may go until the person is ready to deal with the grief. All of these are very healthy mechanisms of protection. In some cases the soul part will return on it’s own, however if it does not know how to return or it does not know that it is safe to return – the Shamanic Practitioner may need t assist the return of that missing fragment. When : Sunday June 10th 2012 11 am-1 pm Where : Rainflower Blessings Cost : $40/person Please Pre pay and Pre Register, space is limited.
Oracle Deck Making Playshop
We are so excited to invite you to this Oracle Deck making Play Shop. Bring your intentions to fruition by creating your own "Self Care Oracle Deck". Choose either a word, intention, favourite self care practice or perhaps anything you would like a little more of in life and decorate each card with colour and your personal flare! This oracle deck is a tool that you can use every day and in doing so you can make the process of self care, manifesting...whatever the intention may be, more fun and regular. Celeste Ford and Nazli Khosravi will facilitate this workshop : ) We are so excited to share with you what we know about the art of self care, the importance of daily rituals and practices that nourish us on all levels, combined with the power of intent, intuition and divination. We would love to nurture your ability to heal yourself, empower yourself, using tools you can use daily while remebering to have fun : ) Celeste is a Registered Massage Therapist, a powerful healer in many modalities and a body wisdom teacher. Her knoweledge and ability to connect with bodies( and teach ppl how to do that themselves) has changed many lives. Nazli is an intuitive reader who has been reading cards, coffee grinds, crystals... for most of her life and she is also the owner of Rainflower Blessings here in Beautiful Victoria BC. Let the FUN begin : ) With LOVE Celeste and Nazli When: Friday May 18th, 7-9:30 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave Victoria BC Cost: $44/person, includes materials Please Pre Pay and Pre Register space is limited.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I am thrilled to be sharing this with you. Join us for the Journey of the White Wolf ~ Pathfinder to Success. Another amazing Journey Facilitated by Leonard Howell and Angelaya Rose Howell. The Journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum, the gentle cedar flute as well as ancient chants and the language of the light. Do you hear the call? Then say yes to this magical and transformational adventure. BlesSings Nazli Rainflower “When I was just nine years old living in rural Saskatchewan Canada, while tobogganing with my friend in the winter. I came upon what appeared to be the apparition of a White Wolf. There, from an ancient Native burial ground it emerged and followed me. I quickly ran, as my childhood imagination raced I breathed in the cold snowy air, and then suddenly it was there before me waiting to be embraced! ~ Leonard Howell The White Wolf is the Pathfinder, and the color white represents purity of spirit and the highest integrity. Wolves are the original teacher and according to legend once taught man to hunt and gather. The great symbolism of the White Wolf suggests it is Sacred, Holy and Pure. Wolf teaches the balance between authority and democracy; how to use ritual to establish order and harmony within our life and family; and to understand that true freedom requires discipline and following Natural Law. The White Wolf as our chosen Totem Teacher for our journey indicates that we are choosing to have a loyal and powerful guardian and protector around us at all times. Come join us for this incredible journey of the White Wolf and let us allow the wolf to show us the path to success. Saturday June 9th, 2012 7-10 pm Rainflower Blessings Cost: $40 students and seniors, $50 regular Please Pre Pay and Pre Register as space is limited! 250-385-3743
Shamanic June