Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oracle Deck Making Playshop
We are so excited to invite you to this Oracle Deck making Play Shop. Bring your intentions to fruition by creating your own "Self Care Oracle Deck". Choose either a word, intention, favourite self care practice or perhaps anything you would like a little more of in life and decorate each card with colour and your personal flare! This oracle deck is a tool that you can use every day and in doing so you can make the process of self care, manifesting...whatever the intention may be, more fun and regular. Celeste Ford and Nazli Khosravi will facilitate this workshop : ) We are so excited to share with you what we know about the art of self care, the importance of daily rituals and practices that nourish us on all levels, combined with the power of intent, intuition and divination. We would love to nurture your ability to heal yourself, empower yourself, using tools you can use daily while remebering to have fun : ) Celeste is a Registered Massage Therapist, a powerful healer in many modalities and a body wisdom teacher. Her knoweledge and ability to connect with bodies( and teach ppl how to do that themselves) has changed many lives. Nazli is an intuitive reader who has been reading cards, coffee grinds, crystals... for most of her life and she is also the owner of Rainflower Blessings here in Beautiful Victoria BC. Let the FUN begin : ) With LOVE Celeste and Nazli When: Friday May 18th, 7-9:30 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave Victoria BC Cost: $44/person, includes materials Please Pre Pay and Pre Register space is limited.


  1. This sounds wonderful! I am not on the Island that weekend, but would love to see this offered again...

    1. Hello Matoto : ) I am certain this will be offered again. Please check either this blog or my facebook page( Rainflower Blessings) for all the news and events. Thanks for connecting. BlesSings,Nazli
