Saturday, July 7, 2012

So looking forward to facilitating another Shamanic Drum Journey. Journey of The Strong Sun Moon ( on Sun Bear's Wheel) occurs June 21-July 22nd. The Strong Sun Moon is the first moon of Shawnodese, Spirit Keeper of the South, and occurs at the time of the summer solstice. The animal for the Strong Sun Moon is the flicker, the mineral totem is the carnelian agate, the plant is the wild rose, and the colour is pink. The elemental influence is from the Frog clan. From the flicker, people experiencing this position can learn about their desire for self-expression; from the carnelian their strong heart connection; and from the rose, about their ability both to heal and to inspire. The Strong Sun Moon teaches about the importance of the emotions and the need for a strong home base. People experiencing the energy of this position are intuitive and wild in some aspects of being, but conservative and home loving in others. The Strong Sun Moon will educate you about the law of relationship and about family. Mothering, and nurturing. While working with the flicker you must guard against wallowing in all your emotions and about fearing to take any stand. Join in for the adventure if you hear the call : ) facilitated by Nazli, Friday July 13th, 7-9 pm. $20/person @ Rainflower Blessings Pre payment and pre registration is required, space is limited! Please bring blanket, cushion/s and a water bottle. Please arrive a few minutes early. Mitakuye Oyasin All My Relations Nazli

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