Saturday, November 10, 2012

Star Alignment and Crystal Activation
“I channel in order to purify, Inspiring flow. I seal the process of universal water With the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of birth. I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.” ~ From the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar More than 2000 years ago the Magi Kings followed a bright Star in the sky leading them to Bethlehem where the Golden Child was to be born. Just like the Magi each one of us has a Guiding Star to illuminate from above, the chosen path that we are on at this time! This Star activation will bring you a sacred mantra that connects you to the light of that Star through your higher Self. You could call this your soul star and every time you gaze to the night sky you would be drawn to this particular star in the sky. Join us Monday December 3, 2012 for a special event with Leonard Howell Wisdom Keeper and Shamanic Teacher. He will create a circle of healing and alignment using the Star Wisdom keeper Crystal gifted to him this year! Crystals are Mother Earth's gifts to us, formed within Her body, they are living energy, and in a way they are the keys to the Universe. Each particular type of crystal or mineral can be seen as a key, and we can use these keys to access specific energies, whether that be for healing, meditation, protection, and understanding. This activation and star alignment will allow energies to flow easier and assist in healing old wounds. During this powerful session you will experience a wonderful sense of being grounded and in the now where your deepest wishes can be realized. Limted to 20 participants. The Facilitator Leonard is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute. Fee $20 per person 7- 9 p.m Rainflower Blessings Pre registration and pre payment required if you wish to have a saved spot! You are welcome to connect with me( Nazli, 250-385-3743 or if you wish to pay by cash or cheque or please do so via pay pal. Thank you : )

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