Friday, March 4, 2011

The Nine Wonders of the Soul

Have you ever wondered what drives the human soul to greatness? What creates positive motion in our lives? Or what are the keys to manifestation and miracles?
In this weekend one day intensive we will explore the nine wonders of the soul that create motion and stabilize our life. From the beauty and innocence of the inner child to the powerful yet enlightened stance of the peaceful warrior, we discover how to heal ourselves, and how to effectively communicate our greatest desires. With these ancient and modern teachings we will move beyond fear and doubt to grace and confidence.
We are beginning a new paradigm, with the coming years pointing toward a very new world. To be able to sustain the energies and succeed in the coming times, it is crucial that we all build a consciousness that is solid, grounded and balanced. In this intensive Leonard will take us through a guided meditation, round dances, group sharing onto the Living Medicine Wheel. There through interaction, the wonders of the soul will come into play. The drumming and alignments with spirit will assist us into deep discoveries within our own inner worlds. Through the grace of our spirit guides we will deepen our life experience into more fulfillment and happiness.

Facilitated by Leonard Howell! Leonard is at the forefront of today’s Shamanic Frontiers, having over 20 years experience in safely taking thousands through the Shamanic Dream doorway. He is a Métis Spiritual teacher and accomplished musician. With his drum and cedar flute he will lead us through a wonderful evening of wisdom, empowerment and sharing

Sunday March 20, 2011
12 pm - 4 pm
Alchemy of Love
238 Beechwood Ave.
Victoria, BC
Cost:$77 ( if you are attending the shamanic Journey, the cost will be $100 for both! )
If you prepay for this event( or the journey or both), you will receive a $10 gift certificate towards an intuitive reading by Leonard!

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