Tuesday, November 20, 2012

12/12/12, Connecting to the Healer within in preparation for the Solstice Galactic Alignment!
Join Donald Allen & Nazli Khosravi for an all day adventure on 12/12/12 . A Journey of Transformation & Healing. We will connect with the healer within us as we explore and immerse in the energies of Ophiuchus (Serpentarius, The Medicine Man, the "13th Zodiac Sign"). Our day will include an intention circle, a short meditation, a talk about the medicine man whose foot stands in the centre of our galaxy & how aligning with those energies can help us on our own journey and prepare us for the shifts we are alr eady a part of and will continue to be, as we approach Dec 21st, the Galactic Alignment. When: Dec 12th ( 12/ 12/ 12) Where: Rainflower Blessings Cost : $50 per person We will start at 10 am at Rainflower Blessings, opening space together, a discussion, 12 12 12 ( at 12:12:12 pm) circle, a serpent walk (exploration of the medicine man) 1- 5pm, Dinner Break 5-7 pm ( you are welcome to bring your own dinner or leave and come back for the journey, the fairfield plaza is very close by). A deepening Journey to anchor in the energies of the day and integrate them 7-9 pm. Please RSVP space is limited. Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a water bottle and snacks for yourself for the walk, we will walk rain or shine please dress appropriately( rain gear, warm clothes, good walking shoes...). Please feel free to bring a blanket and cushion for yourself for the journey in the evening.
Journey into Awakening
Join David Seath and Nazli Khosravi for a Journey into Awakening! A blissful and a magical Journey that will help prepare us for all the shifts we are going through as we approach this most anticipated time in history, the birth of the Golden Age. Begin the journey with Ananda Mandala, a poweful chakra meditation followed by Deeksha, a transfer of Divine grace from David. Integrate, anchor, and explore the transformation with a shamanic style Drum Journey facilitated by Nazli. David Seath is a Oneness T rainer from Nanaimo who is committed to helping others awaken to their true nature. Through ancient meditations and the power of deeksha, a blessing of Divine Grace, he brings the best of the East to help awaken the West. Ananda Mandala means bliss circle, and is a chakra meditation that is done in a group and activates the kundalini energy in the body. This is a very powerful meditation. Deeksha : This is a hands on blessing that uses the power and connection to the Divine to transmit a large amount of Grace through the blessing giver to the receiver. This energy is like punching a whole in the mind, again activating the kundalini energy and opening new pathways, with the goal of being fully and permanently awakened and lliberated from the conflicted mind. Nazli Rainflower is a mother of 2 and owner of Rainflower Blessings( Victoria BC). Rainflower Blessings is a sacred space to empower people by opening new doors to consciousness, introducing alternative transformational tools, and offering products & services that awaken the Spirit within. Nazli is passionate about empowering others, building authentic community and holding sacred space for magic to unfold : ) She will facilitate a Shamanic style Drum Journey, following the Ananda Mandala and Deeksha, to integrate the bliss, the activated Kundalini and awakening state. The journey will help us sink into that blissful yet awakened space. Drum Journeys have truly been magical for me. Everytime I have journeyd, a veil has been lifted off and through the journeys I have received healing, alignments, past life regression, a deep sense of connection to the world around me and the spirit world, and an ability to walk through life with a "journeying or shamanic eye" . Lets come together in sacred circle as we Journey into Awakening. When: Wed Dec 19th 2012 7-9:30 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings, Victoria BC Investment: $40 per person Please pre pay and pre register as space is limited! Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a cushion, blanket, yoga mat if you have one and a water bottle and wear comfy clothes : )

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Star Alignment and Crystal Activation
“I channel in order to purify, Inspiring flow. I seal the process of universal water With the resonant tone of attunement. I am guided by the power of birth. I am a galactic activation portal...enter me.” ~ From the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar More than 2000 years ago the Magi Kings followed a bright Star in the sky leading them to Bethlehem where the Golden Child was to be born. Just like the Magi each one of us has a Guiding Star to illuminate from above, the chosen path that we are on at this time! This Star activation will bring you a sacred mantra that connects you to the light of that Star through your higher Self. You could call this your soul star and every time you gaze to the night sky you would be drawn to this particular star in the sky. Join us Monday December 3, 2012 for a special event with Leonard Howell Wisdom Keeper and Shamanic Teacher. He will create a circle of healing and alignment using the Star Wisdom keeper Crystal gifted to him this year! Crystals are Mother Earth's gifts to us, formed within Her body, they are living energy, and in a way they are the keys to the Universe. Each particular type of crystal or mineral can be seen as a key, and we can use these keys to access specific energies, whether that be for healing, meditation, protection, and understanding. This activation and star alignment will allow energies to flow easier and assist in healing old wounds. During this powerful session you will experience a wonderful sense of being grounded and in the now where your deepest wishes can be realized. Limted to 20 participants. The Facilitator Leonard is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute. Fee $20 per person 7- 9 p.m Rainflower Blessings Pre registration and pre payment required if you wish to have a saved spot! You are welcome to connect with me( Nazli, 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com) if you wish to pay by cash or cheque or please do so via pay pal. Thank you : )

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance
Reindeer teaches us endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He is related to the deer family and in legend it was a white deer that led King Arthur to the magical Sir Pelinore’s Well. Reindeer will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. As we move forward into and past the end of the Mayan calendar Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more authoritative role in our own life? Reindeer also teaches us to take a gentle yet powerful stance in any given situation. Reindeer will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. White Reindeer will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life. Sat Dec 1st 2012, 7-10 pm 111 Superior Street ( Church of Truth) Please Register by contacting me @250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Space is limited to 35 participants.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Journey of the Raven
Hello CommUnity : ) As many of you know, the Raven is one of my main totem animlas and very sacred abd dear to my heart. Since we are now in the Raven time of year on the wheel( libra) I would like to invite you all to the drum journey of the Raven to honour the Ravens! Lets call in this sacred bird and honour the magic and reignite the magic withing our souls. I will include a couple of my favourite links on Raven Medicine on the facebook event page in case you would like to read more! See you in sacred circle! Nazli Friday October 19th, 7-9 pm @ Rainflower Blessings $20/person Please pre register space is limited to 10 ppl.250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a cushion, blanket, yoga mat if you have one and a water bottle.

Journey of White Reindeer~Going the Distance

Journey of White Reindeer ~ Going the Distance
Reindeer teaches us endurance, strength, fortitude and perseverance in going the distance. He is related to the deer family and in legend it was a white deer that led King Arthur to the magical Sir Pelinore’s Well. Reindeer will teach the power of adaptability in adversity, caution in surroundings and tenacity to get things accomplished. As we move forward into and past the end of the Mayan calendar Reindeer will show how to take on the roles of duality, the male and female qualities that you possess. Is it time to take a more authoritative role in our own life? Reindeer also teaches us to take a gentle yet powerful stance in any given situation. Reindeer will also aid in spiritual transitions, communication and social abilities and skills. White Reindeer will show how to keep moving onward and flowing with the group. Reindeer is about movement and finding your inner peace and your place as you walk through life. Sat Dec 1st 2012, 7-10 pm 111 Superior Street ( Church of Truth) Please Register by contacting me @250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Space is limited to 35 participants.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Readings and Healings by Leonard Howell and Angelaya Rose Howell To book a private session please contact Nazli @ nazlirainflower@yahoo.com
private sessions

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Soul Retrieval Workshops Modules 3 and 4

Soul Retrieval Workshops, Module 3 Soul Mates and Twin Flams and Module 4 Soul and Dreamtime
Join us for these amazing Soul Retrieval Workshops, Modules 3 and 4 facilitated by Leonard Howell. If you have missed the first 2 modules and wish to take them as well, please contact me. Looking forward to growing and learning in the circle with you. BlesSings Nazli P.S. Please note that you do not have to take all these courses( unless you plan on facilitating Soul Retrieval sessions) if you are curious and hear a call to attend just one, please know you are welcome to. Each Module is different and can be taken on its own! Soul Retrieval Module 3 Soul mates, Twin Flames The term "soul mate" has different meanings, other than the usual though of romantic relationship. One must first understand that reality is a computer generated consciousness hologram in which all souls evolve from the same collective unconscious and therefore we are all soul mates in one sense of the word or another. Time is an illusion - but as we consciously experiment physical time as linear, summates seems to connect from past, present, and future experiences our souls are having. Soul mates can also be aspects of your soul experiencing at this time in another body. Souls often come together to work out issues or play reverse roles than that which they are experiencing elsewhere. Twin Flames on the other hand complete each other in a particular lifetime. We will explore deeply into the realms of this fascinating topic and make great discoveries about yourself and your life. Come join us for Soul Retrieval Module 3 at; Rainflower Blessings Sunday September 23, 2012 11am-1pm Investment: $40 Soul Retrieval Module 4 Soul and Dreamtime Indigenous Australians believe that we dream our way into this world, and dream our way out of it. “We talk to the spirit-child before a baby is born,” naturopath and traditional healer Burnham explains. If the father-to-be is a dreamer, he is frequently the one who first meets the spirit-child in dreams. These dream encounters often unfold at places of water that exist in the natural world – a billabong, the shallows of a river, a waterfall – where the spirit-child plays with its own kind and is not confined to a single form. It can appear as an eagle or a turtle, as a fish or a crocodile. The dreamer may have to negotiate with the spirit-child, giving it reasons for coming into a human body. Finally, the dreamer plays soul-guide, escorting the incoming spirit to the mother’s womb. In this module we will explore discover the relevance of dreamtime and the soul. This will be a fascinating course for parents’ as you will learn about soul pathways and the dreamtime, the rainbow bridge and many other dream concepts. @ Rainflower Blessings Sunday September 23, 2012 3-5pm Investment: $40 Space is limited, please pre register and pre pay to reserve your spot. Contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yaho.com
Soul Retrieval Workshops

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Past Life Reading Circle
Have you ever wondered about your past lives, who you were and what your journey/life was like? Join us and explore your past lives. Past Life Readings Circle will be facilitated by the awesome Leonard Howell. He will bring with him his wisdom and insight and he will have a look into each persons past and will share a bit about a past life during this circle. Knowing where we have come from, is an amazing piece of the puzzle on our paths, a great key to our healing journey and indeed a fascinating treasure and wonderful clue to find/re-member. Join us on Monday Aug 6th, 2012 6:30-9:30 pm Rainflower Blessings, Victoria BC Investment : $20 per person Please pre pay and pre register, space is limited! Contact Nazli to register @ 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com

Saturday, July 7, 2012

I am SO excited to be sharing this : ) Join us for this magical adventure on Fall Equinox, Saturday September 22nd, 2012! Many BlesSings Nazli The Bear is the keeper of the dreamtime, and stores the teachings of dreams until the dreamer wakes up to them. Many have called this space of inner-knowing the Dream Lodge, where the death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of eternity. It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals. Bears hibernate in the winter, which explains their association with "dreaming the Great Spirit" or retrospection. The symbolism of the Bear's cave reflects returning to the womb of Mother Earth. (A cave is an archetype for the mind - sleep - returning/flying/​spiraling to higher consciousness.) This also suggests a strong feminine aspect, one of nurturing and protection. Bear cubs, born in the early spring, can spend as many as seven years with their mother before reaching maturity. Many have developed the skill of visualizing new things, but as a result can get caught up in the dreaming, making little progress in waking reality. Bear's medicine includes introspection, healing, solitude, wisdom, change, and communication with Spirit, expiry and rebirth, transformation, astral travel, creatures of dreams, and mystics. Join us on the amazing evening of exploration and discovery. Facilitated by Leonard Howell and Angelaya Rose of the Dream Shaman Pathways. Hosted by Rainflower Blessings. Saturday September 22, 2012, 7 -10 pm @ Rainflower Blessings Cost : $40 students and seniors, $50 Regular Please contact Nazli to Pre pay and Pre register, space is limited! 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a cushion, a blanket and a water bottle.
Journey of White Bear
So looking forward to facilitating another Shamanic Drum Journey. Journey of The Strong Sun Moon ( on Sun Bear's Wheel) occurs June 21-July 22nd. The Strong Sun Moon is the first moon of Shawnodese, Spirit Keeper of the South, and occurs at the time of the summer solstice. The animal for the Strong Sun Moon is the flicker, the mineral totem is the carnelian agate, the plant is the wild rose, and the colour is pink. The elemental influence is from the Frog clan. From the flicker, people experiencing this position can learn about their desire for self-expression; from the carnelian their strong heart connection; and from the rose, about their ability both to heal and to inspire. The Strong Sun Moon teaches about the importance of the emotions and the need for a strong home base. People experiencing the energy of this position are intuitive and wild in some aspects of being, but conservative and home loving in others. The Strong Sun Moon will educate you about the law of relationship and about family. Mothering, and nurturing. While working with the flicker you must guard against wallowing in all your emotions and about fearing to take any stand. Join in for the adventure if you hear the call : ) facilitated by Nazli, Friday July 13th, 7-9 pm. $20/person @ Rainflower Blessings Pre payment and pre registration is required, space is limited! Please bring blanket, cushion/s and a water bottle. Please arrive a few minutes early. Mitakuye Oyasin All My Relations Nazli

Monday, June 4, 2012

Make Your Own Self Care Cards Tuesday June 26th, 2012 6-9 pm Create your own set of cards to nurture your ability to heal your Self! $44 ( INCLUDES MATERIALS), if you have already attended this workshop and would like to attend again to add to your deck, you are welcome to join us for $22! Join Celeste Ford, RMT and Nazli Khosravi to learn about the art of true self-care, the importance of daily practices that nourish you on all levels and the power of your intent, intuition and divination. Use your cards to bring more FUN to your practice of caring for your Body! Register with Nazli at 250-385-3743 ~ pre-payment required.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Soul Retrieval II ~ The Past Life Connection
In the Ancient teachings of the people, the soul is eternal and needs more than one lifetime to work through various lessons or initiations. We all have what is called “soul theme lessons” e.g. vows of poverty or suffering. One will keep reincarnating into bodily form with this pending lesson needing to be worked out. When one retrieves these vows, the vows or inappropriate contracts can be consciously erased. This way one only has to erase it once even though it may have been experienced in many incarnations or lives. It is a fascinating field of study that we will explore in a wonderful classroom setting. Our Facilitator Leonard Howell has been successfully helping thousands of people through this healing modality for more that 20 years. Join us on Sunday June 10, 2012 for an exciting class of quests and discovery at Rainflower Blessings in Victoria, BC When : Sunday June 10th 2012 3-5 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings Cost : $40 per person Please Pre Pay and Pre Register, space is limited. You can do so by contacting me and we accept, cash, cheque or payments via pay pal. Please bring blanket, cushion and a note book if you wish to take notes : )
Shamanic June
If you missed module I but would like to take this class, we are offering another class please read on! Shamanic Soul Retrieval Module #1 In shamanism it is believed that part of the human soul is free to leave the body. The soul is the axis mundi, the center of the shamanic healing arts. Shamans change their state of consciousness, through drumming or rattling, to allow their free soul to travel and retrieve ancient wisdom and lost power. Because a portion of the soul is free to leave the body it will do so when dreaming, or it will leave the body to protect itself from potentially damaging situations be they emotional or physical. In situations of trauma the soul piece may not return to the body on its own, and a shaman must intervene and return the soul essence. There are many reasons for soul loss. If a person was in an abusive situation part of one’s may leave to protect itself from the abuse. Sometimes as a child, fighting parents may prompt the soul part to hide because the child is scared. If a traumatic accident were about to happen such as impact, the soul would leave so that it wouldn’t be affected by the force of the accident. If a loved one passes on, the soul part may go until the person is ready to deal with the grief. All of these are very healthy mechanisms of protection. In some cases the soul part will return on it’s own, however if it does not know how to return or it does not know that it is safe to return – the Shamanic Practitioner may need t assist the return of that missing fragment. When : Sunday June 10th 2012 11 am-1 pm Where : Rainflower Blessings Cost : $40/person Please Pre pay and Pre Register, space is limited.
Oracle Deck Making Playshop
We are so excited to invite you to this Oracle Deck making Play Shop. Bring your intentions to fruition by creating your own "Self Care Oracle Deck". Choose either a word, intention, favourite self care practice or perhaps anything you would like a little more of in life and decorate each card with colour and your personal flare! This oracle deck is a tool that you can use every day and in doing so you can make the process of self care, manifesting...whatever the intention may be, more fun and regular. Celeste Ford and Nazli Khosravi will facilitate this workshop : ) We are so excited to share with you what we know about the art of self care, the importance of daily rituals and practices that nourish us on all levels, combined with the power of intent, intuition and divination. We would love to nurture your ability to heal yourself, empower yourself, using tools you can use daily while remebering to have fun : ) Celeste is a Registered Massage Therapist, a powerful healer in many modalities and a body wisdom teacher. Her knoweledge and ability to connect with bodies( and teach ppl how to do that themselves) has changed many lives. Nazli is an intuitive reader who has been reading cards, coffee grinds, crystals... for most of her life and she is also the owner of Rainflower Blessings here in Beautiful Victoria BC. Let the FUN begin : ) With LOVE Celeste and Nazli When: Friday May 18th, 7-9:30 pm Where: Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave Victoria BC Cost: $44/person, includes materials Please Pre Pay and Pre Register space is limited.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I am thrilled to be sharing this with you. Join us for the Journey of the White Wolf ~ Pathfinder to Success. Another amazing Journey Facilitated by Leonard Howell and Angelaya Rose Howell. The Journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum, the gentle cedar flute as well as ancient chants and the language of the light. Do you hear the call? Then say yes to this magical and transformational adventure. BlesSings Nazli Rainflower “When I was just nine years old living in rural Saskatchewan Canada, while tobogganing with my friend in the winter. I came upon what appeared to be the apparition of a White Wolf. There, from an ancient Native burial ground it emerged and followed me. I quickly ran, as my childhood imagination raced I breathed in the cold snowy air, and then suddenly it was there before me waiting to be embraced! ~ Leonard Howell The White Wolf is the Pathfinder, and the color white represents purity of spirit and the highest integrity. Wolves are the original teacher and according to legend once taught man to hunt and gather. The great symbolism of the White Wolf suggests it is Sacred, Holy and Pure. Wolf teaches the balance between authority and democracy; how to use ritual to establish order and harmony within our life and family; and to understand that true freedom requires discipline and following Natural Law. The White Wolf as our chosen Totem Teacher for our journey indicates that we are choosing to have a loyal and powerful guardian and protector around us at all times. Come join us for this incredible journey of the White Wolf and let us allow the wolf to show us the path to success. Saturday June 9th, 2012 7-10 pm Rainflower Blessings Cost: $40 students and seniors, $50 regular Please Pre Pay and Pre Register as space is limited! 250-385-3743 nazlirainflower@yahoo.com
Shamanic June

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Teachings of The White Raven

Let us celebrate Earth day together, in an exploration of landscape effigies. Join us for another wonderful adventure on Sunday April 22nd. One of the most important and facsinating stories on the coast is the story of how the Raven stole the light! Long ago Raven( who was originally a white bird) stole the light ( that was trapped in a box) and as he flew up the chimney he turned black! Our stars, moon and the sun come from the light he/she spilled. To this day Ravens are black except for very few! It is extremely rare to see a white Raven. Recently several White Ravens have been seen around coastal British Columbia! And they have appeared to share a message! Teachings of The White Raven is a fascinating story/adventure of some of the important messages that were communicated to Donald Allen, our facilitator on this journey! Donald's journey of communicating with animals, plants and the natural world around him began as a teenager, begining with a Deer communicating with him, saying "follow me and see one of your main totems" and as he followed he met his first totem animal and that was the begining of a magical series of events unfolding. As he followed his intuition and listened to the world around him, the veils started thinning and he became more and more intuned! From all this emerged a magical discovery. In this course Donald will share his story, his discovery and how we can all tune into and communicate with the animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and our world. Opening new doors to consciousness. Join us on this adventure of a lifetime and discover your own magical story. Sunday April 22nd, 2012 11am-2pm At Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave Cost: $30 per person Please RSVP, pre pay and pre register, space is limited!

Nazli Rainflower: Rainflower Blessings is VERY excited to offer, Ast...

Nazli Rainflower: Rainflower Blessings is VERY excited to offer, Ast...: Rainflower Blessings is VERY excited to offer, Astro Intuitive Readings , in each session you will receive a 1/2 hr astrology chart and inte...
Rainflower Blessings is VERY excited to offer, Astro Intuitive Readings, in each session you will receive a 1/2 hr astrology chart and interpretation by Donald Allen as well as a 1/2 hr Intuitive Tarot Reading by Nazli Rainflower. We are offering this at an introductory rate of $50 per person for the first 5 ppl who book an appointment( or purchase a Gift Certificate).

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Drum Journey of the Hawks Return Moon I would like to invite you to join me on this Drum Journey of the Hawks Return Moon, on this Full moon in April. According to the way I was taught, March 21- April 19( what western astrologers call the sign Aries), is The Hawks Return Moon on the medicine wheel. The totem animal is the Red Tailed Hawk, the plant medicine is Dandelion and the crystal is Fire Opal! Lets come together in sacred circle and explore and share this energy, inviting all its gifts into our lives and hearts : ) From my heart to yours, Namaste Nazli Rainflower When: Friday April 6th, 2012 7-9pm Where: Rainflower Blessings Cost: $20 Facilitator: Nazli PLEASE RSVP, pre pay and pre register by April 5th, space is limited! To RSVP please contact Nazli @ 250-385-743/nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please bring a blanket and cushion and wear comfy clothes : )
Hawk is a messenger and a visionary! "Hawk is akin to Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Hawk medicine teaches you to be observant, to look at your surroundings. Observe the obvious in everything that you do. Life is sending you signals. Life IS the initiation. If you have called Hawk, then right now a clue about the magic of life is being brought to you. This magic can imbue you with the power to overcome a currently stressful or difficult situation. The test is your ability to observe the nuances of power lurking nearby. Is power the talent you have and are not using? Are solutions always hard to find because you have lost the broader vision of Hawk? Or is the Great Spirit displaying a gift that you need only to receive? Have the colors of the morning inspired you to create? Or has the gloominess of a present situation left you earthbound, unable to hear the voice within the raindrops splashing on your window? Pay attention! You are only as powerful as your capacity to perceive, receive, and use your abilities. What is called for here is an intuitive ability to discern the message carried within the cry of Hawk. The shrillness of Hawk's call pierces the state of awareness and asks you to seek the truth. Hawk medicine is a totem that is filled with responsibility because Hawk people see the overall view. Hawk is not like Mouse, who sees everything through a magnifying glass. Hawk medicine people are aware of omens, messages from spirit, and the color of the calling card you gave them three months ago. No detail slips by them unnoticed. If Hawk has landed in your cards/on your path, you are to be aware of signals in your life - so notice and receive them. Hawk may be teaching you to grab an opportunity which is coming your way. On the other hand, Hawk may be bringing you the message that you should circle over your life and examine it from a higher perspective. From this vantage point you may be able to discern the hazards which bar you from freedom of flight. Remember: Hawk has a keen eye and a bold heart for Hawk flies close to Grandfather Sun." From "Medicine Cards" by Jamie Sams & David Carson "The ancients recognized this magnificent bird of prey as a messenger bringing tidings to their Earth Walk, the Good Red Road, from the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers who lived before them. If Hawk were to magically cry, it was a sign to beware or be aware. Hawk's cry signalled the need for the beholder to heighten awareness and receive a message." Jamie Sams

Monday, January 30, 2012

Journey of the White Eagle-Journey of Inner Power

Hello Everyone, I am excited to share with you that Leonard and Angelaya Howell will be back in Victoria this March to facilitate a journey, a workshop and a massage matinee( I will post details regarding the workshop and message matinee on this page soon)! I am so looking forward to these gatherings and hope you will join us on the adventure if you hear the call : ) Leonard and Angelaya will be available for private sessions( readings and healings) as well by appointment only! Please contact me if you wish to book an appointment. Many BlesSings Nazli Rainflower Journey of the White Eagle – Journey of Inner Power 2012 has been prophesized as the Year of Inner Power. It is the year for us to discover the power to change our lives and in turn change the world for the better! The White Eagle brings the Power of the East Direction on the Medicine Wheel, that wonderful path of Illumination, Clarity and Wisdom! Eagle represents a state of grace that is reached through inner work, understanding and passing the initiation tests that result from reclaiming our personal power. Eagle Medicine is the Power of the Great Spirit. It is the spirit of tenacity. It is the gift of clear vision with which one can truly see the things one sees. It is the patience to wait for the appropriate moment. It is to live in balance with heaven and Earth. Eagle reminds us of our connection with the Great Spirit. It tells us that the universe is giving us the opportunity to fly above life's worldly levels, or above the shadow of past realities. Eagle teaches us to look above in order to touch Grandfather Sun, Wi Tankasila with our hearts, to love the Shadow as much as the Light. Eagle asks us to grant ourselves permission to be free in order to reach the joy that our heart desires. Come join us for this Journey work with the White Eagle to discover our true power and our inner essence, to set the intentions and energies for the Spring Equinox of 2012. Do you hear the clarion call? Saturday March 17th 2012, 7-10 pm Investment/Sponsorship: $50 regular, $40 Students and Seniors, Space is limited! To RSVP conatct Nazli 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com Please pre pay and pre register by Saturday March 10th, you can do so via pay pal, by cheque or cash, thank you! Please arrive 10 minutes before the start and you are welcome to bring a cushion or blanket if you wish : ) For those of you who have not journeyed with us yet and wish to learn more about Leonard and Angelaya, please check out their website :) And please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about a journey! Namaste