Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shamanic Journey of White Buffalo - The Path of Abundance & Prosperity

In the teachings of the people the Buffalo is the Spirit of the North, of purification, cleansing and renewal. She represents the give-away. For one to be truly wealthy it is imperative to be able to give-away. Hording is not healthy and only leads to sickness on all levels. The buffalo is a hologram of the greater whole. When we journey with the energy of the buffalo - it's behemoth features are a physical manifestation of the store-holds available in the energetic realms. In the legend of the White Buffalo she came to teach all to pray and be grateful for all we have! This is true meaning of abundance and a wonderful blessing to all. She also taught us to revere all women as life givers. In this time we are seeing the resurgence of the divine feminine, a balancing on our planet of the largest magnitude. Our guide and mentor Chief White Eagle reminds us to no longer measure success through time, but rather discover the grace in every moment every breath and heartbeat. The beautiful sound of the flute, chanting, language of light and the drums will bring us all into alignment with this divine source. Join us for a Journey of a lifetime to embrace the magnificent energy of this incredible being. In turn she will help us to assist the Mother Earth in coming of the new era on Earth. Saturday December 17th, 2011 7 pm – 10 pm Rainflower Blessings 238 Beechwood Ave. Victoria, BC Investment : $50 regular, $40 students and seniors Please RSVP( pre pay and pre register), thank you! Contact : Nazli 250-385-3743 Please note that this December journey marks the one year anniversary of all of us journeying together with Leonard and Angelaya, at Rainflower Blessings : ) Next Journey with Leonard and Angelaya Howell will be in March 2012! Lets us close 2011 together with this journey : ) See you in sacred circle!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Shamanic Journey to the Star Gate 11.11.11
Once in a thousand years a gateway opens in the stars, a portal of peace, a safe passage into the next 1000 years. November 11, 2011 is the date in this millennium. We will gather in Ceremony at 11.11.11 and raise our vibration in community. 2011 is the year of illumination and 2012 is the year of Transformation. Many prophecies have pointed to the year of 2012 as a very transformational year. This day will give us the opportunity to stand together for what we see as the transformation of our world to a more sustainable one, free of old dogma and formats that do not serve the people. This will be a full day of events beginning with a morning Ceremony, followed by an afternoon of healing modalities, meditations and movement to open us to the new possibilities. The evening will be a Shamanic Journey event filled with wonder. Meet your guides, totems and create intentions to last a lifetime. Leonard & Angelaya Howell are at the forefront of today’s Shamanic frontiers. Leonard is a Métis Story keeper, flutist and Teacher and a Master Shamanic Practitioner and Angelaya is a Light Dancer and musician as well. Together they will weave a tapestry of sound and light that will fill our hearts and souls. Nazli Rainflower is an intuitive reader, healer and coordinator. Her loving ways and gentle heart will assist you in moving into this powerful timeframe. Do you hear the call? When : Friday, November 11th 2011, 11AM Where: Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Victoria BC Cost: There is NO charge for ceremony! The healing Circle is $30 and the Shamanic Journey $40 students/seniors, $50 regular If you attend the whole day the cost will be $70( $60 for students and seniors) Please Pre pay and Pre register, PLEASE RSVP as space is limited! or 250-385-3743 Ceremony begins at 11am and there is no charge for Ceremony! 12-2 pm Lunch( please bring your own lunch, we will have tea and coffee). 2-5pm Healing Circle 5-7 Dinner break( we will not dine together as this will give us all a chance to eat and get ready for the journey). 7-10 pm Shamanic Journey to the Star Gate 11.11.11
price options

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Shamanic Journey of Raven Medicine ~ October 2011
"Open yourself to miracles, Use new eyes, Believe in magic, Embrace life's wonders." Raven Medicine, Jamie Sams and David Carson Join us for the Shamanic Journey of Raven Medicine! The totem animal on the Medicine Wheel for October is Raven the messenger of magic from the great void where all knowledge waits for us. He is also the symbol of changes in consciousness and the shape shifter of perception. Raven is the carrier of healing energy from distances. Those of you who ask for messages of light and healing and prayer have asked for Raven medicine. This medicine brings empathy and deep understanding of where others are at in your life! This journey will assist us in bringing real magic into our lives for peace, healing and understanding! Raven medicine demands that you walk in the light in all affairs of life! This we can be truly grateful for, and share this gratitude with everyone around us! We will explore the world of the Raven, and discover a true friend in this shape shifting bird of time! Are you ready? Our Facilitators, Leonard Howell & Angelaya Rose Howell, are at the forefront of today’s modern shamanic frontiers. Together they combine over 25 years of experience in this transformational art of healing. They bring the gift of ancient song, chant and vision through the Cedar flute and drum. The journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light! Saturday October 15th, 2011 7-10 pm Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Vic Cost: $50 per person, $40 students and seniors Please Pre pay and Pre register by October 12th! RSVP, Nazli 250-385-3743 OR If you choose to attend this Journey as well as our message Matinee, you will receive a discount on the matinee for $10! Here is a link to the message Matinee : )

Friday, August 19, 2011


The totem of Transformation is the Butterfly, representing air on the Medicine Wheel; air is the sacred breath of life, the beginning of any transformation. The Butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color; it is the symbol of the soul. They remind us that life is a dance, and not to take things quite so seriously. They also remind us to get up and move. Dance brings the sweetness of life. The Butterfly teach us that growth and transformation doesn’t have to be traumatic and as we breathe it truly can be as easy as breathing! The Autumn season brings with it transformation, leaves of trees turn colors, flower petals fall to the earth, wheat fields turn golden and fruit trees ripen their beautiful bounty. All of nature prepares itself for the coming winter season. The summer season of journeys have brought us Peace, Grace and Courage and now we receive the gifts of Transformation. In our September journey we will explore the worlds of transformation and discover a colorful inner beauty beyond measure! Our Facilitators, Leonard Howell & Angelaya Rose Howell, are at the forefront of today’s modern shamanic frontiers. Together they combine over 25 years of experience in this transformational art of healing. They bring the gift of ancient song, chant and vision through the Cedar flute and drum. The journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light! Saturday September 17th, 2011 7-10 pm Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Victoria , BC Please pre pay and pre register BY SEP14TH! RSVP: Nazli Rainflower 250-385-3743 or
journey and sessions

Thursday, July 21, 2011

       Animal  Medicine  Card  Readings
                          Nazli Rainflower

The Medicine Cards, by David Carson and Jamie Sams have been an incredibly powerful tool on my path! For years I have carried them with me and I have seeked their guidance if I needed clarity! I am grateful for all I have learned and I am still learning from powerful medicine that all animals carry and I feel a connection to this realm more than I do to anything else when it comes to this topic : )

For years I only read for myself and very close friends and family but I feel ready to share it now as they have/still are helping me and I would like to share this transformational guidance with all of you as well : )

If you hear the call, please do contact me, I would love to do a reading for you!

A reading will bring you some clarity as well as share which animal/totems are helping you right now on your journey, what is their message to you and how you can ask for their guidance!

Each reading takes about 30 minutes and is regularly $50!

I am offering this to the first 10 people who book the reading for $25!

Many BlesSings


P.S.If you do not live in Victoria BC, I am available to do phone readings as well!
You can contact me by phone 250-385-3743 or email to set up your appointment!

price options

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Shawnigan Lake BC


You are invited to  join us for another fabulous Shamanic Journey : )

Please feel free to share with those who may like to join in !



That  quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties  with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness;  resolution.

Courage is a virtue, and is the most important of the  virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue  consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing  consistently without courage. With Peace (June) and Grace (July) the  Prophet...  walks with Courage (August) through the worlds of illusion, seeing past  the benevolent evil, in turn he knows of the greater good for he is the  Dream Shaman.
The theme for August is courage and our symbol is the  Lion. Just as in the story of Narnia we have an inner Aslan the Lion,  spirit of courage that sees us through the most difficult times. Each of  us aspires to walk this spirit though this third dimensional world.

In this August 2011 Shamanic Journey we will explore our inner courage by invoking the Spirit of the Lion within us!

Our  Facilitators, Leonard Howell  is at the forefront of today’s modern  Shamanic frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and  facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard  brings the gift of ancient song, chant and vision through the Cedar  flute and drum.
Angelaya Rose, will share with us her gifts of healing alignments and language of light!
The  journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum  and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of  Light!

WHEN: Fri August 12th,11 7-10 pm
WHERE: Kali Yoga Studio 2721 Shawnigan Lake Road, Shawnigan Lake, BC.
Sponsoring Cost/Investment: $40 students/seniors, $50 regular please pre pay and pre register!

RSVP: Nazli  250-385-3743 or

journey and sessions

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


You are invited to  join us for another fabulous Shamanic Journey : )
Please feel free to share with those who may like to join in !

That quality of mind which enables one to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear, or fainting of heart; valor; boldness; resolution.

Courage is a virtue, and is the most important of the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage. With Peace (June) and Grace (July) the Prophet... walks with Courage (August) through the worlds of illusion, seeing past the benevolent evil, in turn he knows of the greater good for he is the Dream Shaman.
The theme for August is courage and our symbol is the Lion. Just as in the story of Narnia we have an inner Aslan the Lion, spirit of courage that sees us through the most difficult times. Each of us aspires to walk this spirit though this third dimensional world.

In this August 2011 Shamanic Journey we will explore our inner courage by invoking the Spirit of the Lion within us!

Our Facilitators, Leonard Howell is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of ancient song, chant and vision through the Cedar flute and drum.
Angelaya Rose, will share with us her gifts of healing alignments and language of light!
The journey is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light!

WHEN: SAT August 13th,11 7-10 pm

WHERE: Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Victoria BC

Sponsoring Cost/Investment: $40 students/seniors, $50 regular please pre pay and pre register!

RSVP: Nazli 250-385-3743 or

journey and sessions

Friday, June 17, 2011

Shamanic Journey of Grace

" Accept the gift of Grace,Surrender to the flow,Don't give up- Give over" David Carson and Jamie Sams

What is Grace? "Grace is the flight of two geese, wings outstretched with just enough space for the winds of heaven to blow in between them. Grace is gazing into the eyes of a child and then grace is walking down a path to the tree of life with a grandmother. Grace is a gift from Great Spirit and is the ultimate comfort to the soul of the seeker.”

Our planet and all of her inhabitants, is currently undergoing a major shift. This is impacting our environment, social structures and individual and collective consciousness. One may think of Grace as a powerful energy that has the ability to change our lives for the better. The most important part of spirituality is that it gives you awareness of who you are! Who you are is not what you have been doing or who you are related to, it is the Being whose task it is to understand the infinite levels of awareness, of consciousness itself! This in turn allows one to navigate their life in a profound and truly inspired way.

In our July 2011 Shamanic Journey we will explore grace and intend for its’ energy to deeply touch our souls. As we consciously move into the heartbeat of the drum we will delve into a world where grace is a given gift and where peace is everlasting.

Our Facilitator, Leonard Howell
is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute and drum. Through his unique storytelling teaching style he has touched the hearts of many throughout the world.
Join us along with Leonard & Angelaya Howell as they bring gifts of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. This is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light!

Saturday July 16th,2011 7-10pm

Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Vic

Sponsoring Cost/investment: $40 students and seniors, $50 regular

Ask about bundle prices if you wish to book an appointment for reading/healing+ a journey!

Please Pre Pay and Pre Register, to RSVP please contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or

Feel free to pass this on to others who may like to join us : )

Many BlesSings

Nazli Rainflower

journey and sessions

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shamanic Journey for Peace

What is Peace?

Through the centuries Sages, Scholars and Elders have strived to bring peace to their peoples and Nations and yet over all of these centuries we have endlessly endured strife and chaos. So we’ve heard the word peace mentioned so many times in our circles and yet what is peace?
Peace is the understanding and embracing of diversity; it is the demonstration of compassion amongst individuals, peoples and Nations. It is ...when people no longer trade lives for justice, or trade happiness of all peoples for the desire of one. It is the silent place within even the most chaotic dilemma.

We cannot fight for peace for we must peace for peace. Peace is an achievable reality. And within the Shamanic Journey for Peace you will find that point of reference of what Peace really is. The reason there is so much strife is that the world has lost its’ dream of real peace. There is no longer a reference point to return to for those who have endured such strife.

In the Shamanic Journey we enter a beautiful non- ordinary reality. In this place there are no wars, strife or bitterness only sweet solace for a soul searching for peace. In this experience we are able to create the butterfly effect of transferring our deepest feelings to those around us and even to distant places on the planet. In the movie Avatar, there was a great tree where the Navi met to pray. That is the reality of this journey in that in this ultimate ‘now’ moment anything is possible.
Won’t you join us to not only create peace in your own life but to also create peace around the World. You are a light, and every light makes a difference. Together we can light the world with true and lasting peace

Our Facilitator, Leonard Howell is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute and drum. Through his unique storytelling teaching style he has touched the hearts of many throughout the world.
Join us along with Leonard & Angelaya Howell as they bring gifts of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. This is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light.

Saturday June 11th,2011
Rainflower Blessings, 238 Beechwood Ave, Vic
Cost:$40 students and seniors, $50 regular

Ask about bundle prices if you wish to book an appointment for reading/healing+ a journey!

Please Pre Pay and Pre Register, to RSVP please contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or

Feel free to pass this on to others who may like to join us : )


Nazli Rainflower

journey and sessions

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intuitive Tarot Readings by Nazli Rainflower

Nazli rainflower is an intuitive reader who has been doing readings for over 15 years professionally!

This gift was in her family and was passed down to her through her Grandmother, Mother and Aunt!

On her walk of life and through the guidance and messages that channel through her, she has empowered and touched the hearts of many! Bringing clarity and inspiration.

Nazli Rainflower is also the owner/operator or Rainflower Blessings in beautiful Victoria BC.A sacred space to empower people by opening new doors to consciousness, introducing alternative transformational tools, and offering products & services that awaken the Spirit within.

To make an appointment please contact Nazli 250-385-3743 or

Many BlesSings and NAMASTE


"I’ve had my cards read by dozens of people, and have rarely been satisfied. When I discovered Nazli, I knew she was special. I go directly to her with any questions. She clearly is gifted, no doubt about it. She’s direct to the point, insightful and has no problem telling me as she sees it. I shy away from readers that only tell me what I want to hear. Nazli does not do this. She is a true healer. Her advice has shifted my life in many ways. Her accuracy is quite astounding!I completely trust her, which is a really big thing for me."
Nancy Rose,Toronto, Ontario

"Nazli is an exceptionally gifted individual. It was rare indeed to find someone who, without any former knowledge of who I am, was capable of sharing insights into my life that even I was unaware of. I found her reading to be both enlightening and empowering, for real. I wholeheartedly recommend a reading by Nazli! She is the real deal." David, Victoria BC

"Nazli you are the real deal your reading blew my mind.Thank you for giving me clarity when I needed it the most." Cheryl M, Calgary Alberta

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Journey of the Corn Mother Moon

The Journey of the Corn Mother Moon
Join us for another amazing and transformational Shamanic Journey. Do you hear the call? Say yes to the adventure : )

Journeying( like meditation) is a tool for spiritual, mental and physical growth. It is also a tool that can be used for healing, obtaining information, and working through issues. Deepening our experiences and removing blocks that are no longer needed, as well as strengthening our connection to the spiritual and physical world! A journey sometimes is referred to as the flight of the soul. Our brain waves are in a theta state during a journey( like right before we fall asleep). The results of the journey are deep powerful transformational and life altering!

To the First Nations people corn is one of the three sisters, corn, beans & squash that sustain life. As a food that could be utilized in so many ways it shows its versatility. In this Corn Mother Moon Shamanic Journey we will invoke the power of versatility and resilience to any energy that may come our way. In the coming times we must be strong and stand tall very much like the corn, yet be graceful like the Butterfly, the Clan totem of this moon, and gentle as the Deer. In the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ the character played by Kevin Costner is called to go to a cornfield to meet his own father, an endeavor that would teach him the true meaning of faith. “If you build it they will come” was the mantra so strongly demonstrated in this provocative movie. In these trying times we will need that kind of faith and resilience and still be able to be graceful and versatile. Do you hear the clarion call?

Our Facilitator, Leonard Howell is at the forefront of today’s modern Shamanic musical frontiers. For over 20 years he has been a trainer and facilitator as well as a cultural teacher and storyteller. Leonard brings the gift of Ancient song through the Cedar flute and drum. Through his unique storytelling teaching style he has touched the hearts of many throughout the world.
Join us along with Leonard & Angelaya Howell as they bring gifts of spiritual knowledge and empowerment. This is facilitated through the powerful sounds of the singing drum and gentle cedar flutes as well as Sacred Chants and the Language of Light.

Saturday, May 14, 2011, 7:00pm – 10:00 pm, Doors open at 6:30 pm, please arrive early the the journey begins at 7pm!

Rainflower Blessings
Fee: $50 per person ( $55 at the door if there are spaces left)
PLEASE RSVP , pre registration is required as space is limited!

Please Contact Nazli Rainflower, 250-385-3743 or

fee options

Hi Everyone,

I have exciting news : )

Leonard and I have decided to change the fees and offer early bird pricing, bundles for multiple events/sessions and /punch cards!

To those of you who have paid in advance, I will return the extra! As we want to say thank you and give back, also to say it is not about the money, it is about building community : )

So from now until may 10th, you can sign up and pre pay for the journey, the first 10 ppl will pay $35 only( that is a $20 saving compare to the door price), after 10 ppl or the 11th-13th it is $45 and $55 at the door if there is a space!

OR you can bundle up a reading or healing session with a journey! For 1/2 hr session+journey it is $85 and for 1 hr+journey it is $135!

OR punch cards, you can receive one punch per event/session and after 12 you will receive a complimentary one!

If you have any questions please contact me : )



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Morning everyone : )
Just wanted to share that I have changed my business name to Rainflower Blessings : )
Sending peace to all from the centre of my heart,
Nazli Rainflower

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Nine Wonders of the Soul

Have you ever wondered what drives the human soul to greatness? What creates positive motion in our lives? Or what are the keys to manifestation and miracles?
In this weekend one day intensive we will explore the nine wonders of the soul that create motion and stabilize our life. From the beauty and innocence of the inner child to the powerful yet enlightened stance of the peaceful warrior, we discover how to heal ourselves, and how to effectively communicate our greatest desires. With these ancient and modern teachings we will move beyond fear and doubt to grace and confidence.
We are beginning a new paradigm, with the coming years pointing toward a very new world. To be able to sustain the energies and succeed in the coming times, it is crucial that we all build a consciousness that is solid, grounded and balanced. In this intensive Leonard will take us through a guided meditation, round dances, group sharing onto the Living Medicine Wheel. There through interaction, the wonders of the soul will come into play. The drumming and alignments with spirit will assist us into deep discoveries within our own inner worlds. Through the grace of our spirit guides we will deepen our life experience into more fulfillment and happiness.

Facilitated by Leonard Howell! Leonard is at the forefront of today’s Shamanic Frontiers, having over 20 years experience in safely taking thousands through the Shamanic Dream doorway. He is a Métis Spiritual teacher and accomplished musician. With his drum and cedar flute he will lead us through a wonderful evening of wisdom, empowerment and sharing

Sunday March 20, 2011
12 pm - 4 pm
Alchemy of Love
238 Beechwood Ave.
Victoria, BC
Cost:$77 ( if you are attending the shamanic Journey, the cost will be $100 for both! )
If you prepay for this event( or the journey or both), you will receive a $10 gift certificate towards an intuitive reading by Leonard!

The Journey of Red Hawk Moon

I am honoured and grateful to share that Leonard Howell will be facilitating a powerful Journey for us! Please join us for another Fabulous Shamanic Journey, on the full moon and Spring Equinox! Celebrate mother earth waking up and bring in the fresh of spring!
Nazli Rainflower

Our Facilitator; Leonard Howell
...Leonard is at the forefront of today’s Shamanic Frontiers, having over 20 years experience in safely taking thousands through the Shamanic Dream doorway. He is a Métis Spiritual teacher and accomplished musician. With his drum and cedar flute he will lead us through a wonderful evening of wisdom, empowerment and sharing.

The Journey of Red Hawk Moon
Full Moon March 19, 2011 Saturday
6 pm-9pmish
‘Alchemy of Love’
238 Beechwood Avenue
Victoria, BC

“I will draw thorns from your feet.
We will walk the White Path of Life together.
Like a brother of my own blood,
I will love you.
I will wipe tears from your eyes.
When you are sad,
I will put your aching heart to rest.”
- Native American Travelers Prayer

A Golden Sun rises into a new dawn, Red Hawk messenger, sounds the clarion call to the world! It is a New Year, a new beginning! New life will spring up from Mother Earth all around us in every direction as many new relatives! Many changes are upon us all, earth changes, political upheaval of dictatorships and Tyrants are running for cover. Everywhere we look it is clear that our times are full of change and it is a new opportunity to stand strong as the Peaceful Warriors and Dreamers of a New World. Come join us as we celebrate the new beginnings, the Full Moon of the Red Hawk ushers in a message to all of us! Embrace the empowering Sun and go forth in peace! These powerful Shamanic Journeys will take us deep into warmth of the sun to ignite our sacred fires. With the guardianship of White Eagle we will co-create the new White Path of Life together.

Cost:$50 per person
Please RSVP
Contact:Nazli Rainflower 250-385-3743 or

if you are attending the workshop, 9 wonders of the soul, the cost will be $100 for both!
If you pre pay for any of these events you will receive a $10 gift certificate towards an intuitive reading with Leonard!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Join us for another fabulous and very informative event by Concious Planet!

Hello ,
I am excited to share with you this event!
This amazing talk/intro is facilitated by owner and founder of Conscious Planet, Charles Holmes!
I truly enjoyed attending this the first time and Looking forward to the second one : )
It is a free event!
Join us, let us love this body and learn about how to live a healthier life : )

Sunday, March 6th/2011 (at 3:33pm)
at 238 Beechwood Ave, Victoria BC
cost is FREE!

View website

Family Meditation, this Saturday March 5th/2011! Come and join the fun : )

Hello beautiful families : )

I am super excited and grateful to be able to share with you this awesome event : )

Brad Morris of Cowabunga meditations will facilitate a family meditation here from my happy place( alchemy of love). For those of you who have not attended one of Brad's meditations, as a big fan of his and cowabunga life, I truly recommend it : )
He is the love embodied and is soooo fantastic in facilitating, bringing forward always what seems to be needed at that moment for all. I have attended many of the meditations and my 2 little girls have also attended the kids meditation classes and we have all benefited beyond words!

I love the relaxed approach and free style and the fact that Brad actually makes this a fun and playful experience for the kids : )

This is a fantastic opportunity for all to come together as families, learn something about the art of meditation and inner peace in a relaxed and comfy environment!

Imagine how awesome our world would be if we all felt peace in our hearts and how beautiful it is that we now can pass on this gift to our children as well: )

From my heart to yours,


Nazli Rainflower

Please read on for details! and Please RSVP!

When: Saturday march 5th/2011, 10:11 AM-11ish : )

Where:238 Beechwood Ave, Victoria,BC

Cost: $20 per family

Please wear comfy clothes and bring cushions/blankets if you wish!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My vision : )

Hello Family of Bloggers : )
My Name is NazliRainflower and I live in beautiful Victoria BC!
I always had a vision to have a space to build community, spread love,light,positivity,promote peace, inspiration!
I am now blessed to have manifested  this space, from my home, called Alchemy of Love!
I facilitate and host events(Shamanic Journies, meditation...)& sell new/ used related products!
I Also offer Intuitive Tarot readings which I have been doing for years as it was in my family and the art got passed down to me : )
My mission statement is "to empower people by opening new doors to consciousness, introducing alternative transformational tools, and offering products & services that awaken the Spirit within."
I look forward to be of service and do my part in bringing more peace, joy and light to my world,the worlds of others around me and wish that the effects of this will ripple  out to the whole world: )
From my heart to yours